Ranier Hall Dimensions and Amenities


The assembly room of the Ranier Community Hall measures 40 feet long x 30 feet wide.

The stage at the southern end of the room measures 18 feet wide x 12 feet deep x 2 feet high and is accessible by 3 three-step staircases.


The fire marshal capacity is rated at 100 people.


There are 13 8 foot x 30 inch tables available and 100 folding chairs.


The deck is 20 feet wide x 50 feet long.  It is handicapped accessible on the north side.


The Community Hall has a fully functioning kitchen with a stove, double oven, microwave and dishwasher.  The kitchen can also be accessed through a back door on the west side of the building.


Dinner plates, coffee cups, glasses and silverware are available to serve 100 guests.  There are 14 sets of glass salt and pepper shakers.

There is a large 60 cup coffee pot and a 30 cup coffee pot.  Twelve coffee carafes are available.  There are 4 sets of glass coffee creamer and sugar bowls.